Wednesday, November 7, 2007

nairobi arrival and wedding prep!


wow! These Kenyans know how to do it up! Whether we are partying, bbq-ing, negotiating for car repairs, negotiating for gifts, negotiating for taxis, negotiating for custom made traditional dresses or shirts, they know how to work things out. Negotiating is a fine art. We will need a primer for the shower and bride negotiating party tomorrow at the house. I think we canadians will hold our own. Sure, we are nice but we are fiesty and know how to get things done too!

gotta run! will update more soon!


1 comment:

cwood said...

Hi guys! So good to be getting updates of your adventures --- nothing at all like the real thing - so jealous and happy for you - wish we were there, but so glad you are if we can't be!
We're all ok here - other than missing you guys. Anxious to hear more. In the meantime --- soak it all up, as much as you can --- enjoy the moment!

Much love,