Saturday, April 16, 2011

Africa bound...again

Well here I am waiting at the departure gate in Vancouver, minutes away from getting on a plane for Uganda. I never dreamed I would get the opportunity to go to visit Africa once, and now here I am about to make my second visit. It's been a fast and furious scramble these last few weeks getting ready, but somehow it's all worked out and I'm ready to go. I'm not sure just what to expect, except for the guarantee of adventure and new opportunities to learn and grow. Never a bad thing.

The last posts on this blog were from 2007, when Barb and I visited our friends and family in Kenya and Uganda. Looking at those posts now for the first time in several years brings the whole trip flooding back into my mind, and I'm ready for another wonderful experience.

Well, there's the boarding announcement...time to boogie! Lots more to come...

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